Friday, January 21, 2011

Xepisodes Not Working Iphone

CCOO won the elections in Madrid Unipost
On day 14 and January 19 elections were held in Unipost-Madrid, with the election of 30 delegates for five of the six workplaces that the company has in Madrid.
Elecciones Sindicales en Unipost Madrid
union elections in Madrid
CC.OO. gets the most in Unipost-Madrid, of the 30 eligible delegates has scored 13 which together with the two he has in the center of Atocha is 15 so that wins the majority, leaving with 10 plus 2 UGT remains con12, 5-CGT plus 1 gets 6 and SLT with 2 comes back on the scene.

After two terms in which the UGT had the majority, it has been flip it over, getting a good representation because of the large turnout.

We take this opportunity to thank and congratulate all members, girls and supporters who have given us their vote and put their trust to be the first union power in Madrid.

Nor do we want to forget the current delegates, who appreciate your work during these four years for his efforts and commitment in the bad and the good times we've had.

is clear that workers have been able to assess and reward the effort we have been doing so far but also we are saying, to quote the motto of our campaign, "now is the time and your vote is our strength", do not disappoint.


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