Monday, June 28, 2010

Unable To Pee, Kidney Problem?

their Physical, Hogan and Bret Hart

His physical condition:

"I know people like me in the ring almost always, I'm packed. I train every day and that really wears me out but I have be in good physical shape if there is a fight that I have to deal with. "

On Hulk Hogan:

"The only thing that we agree on is that we do not agree on anything. Hogan's all wrestling, if I could fight I would but have physical problems that prevent it. Hopefully that will improve and see if we can continue to offer good fighting. "

And on the Hitman:

"He did not hold me for a number of things I said. Now I explain, I commented that one thing is what Montreal (refers to Screwjob suffered by Bret days before WCW) and another at Ottawa where Owen died. About his brother was an unfortunate accident that cost him his life, this has nothing to do with anything related to wrestling. Vince McMahon did not force Owen to get there, it was a tragedy, no doubt, but this has nothing to do with Montreal. "


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