Sunday, February 21, 2010

Wikihow Losing Weight

This prepares against Venezuela

About recent complaint of a Chilean company the Venezuelan government for expropriation before the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID, an international arbitration tribunal depends on the World Bank) we left with a column of Cuban journalist living in Mexico, Angel Guerra Cabrera , published in the newspaper La Jornada .
long bushy
The media war against Venezuela has entered a phase in which delusional is huge gap between what actually happens in the country and what they publish media consortiums. Who will judge Venezuela to only what is published in them comes to the conclusion that a State "failed", which justifies everything, is the military coup, assassination, foreign armed intervention or all of these "remedies" together, precisely common sense to seek to install their publishers. And the mainstream media is that the United States, Spain and other NATO countries, members of the Inter American Press Association and the Latin American electronic chains paint a distorted picture as the Venezuelan reality that no nation would accept unbiased and is described the same in which a dozen trans-including Chevron and Repsol- acaba de invertir ochenta mil millones de dólares para iniciar operaciones en un sector de la Faja Petrolera del Orinoco, aquella en la que una mayoría históricamente marginada hoy goza de todos los derechos, donde existe una sólida popularidad de su presidente y confianza en su gobierno, que se expresa en la estabilidad política o en marchas desbordantes como la del 23 de enero . Hace poco el veterano periodista venezolano Eleazar Díaz Rangel se preguntaba de dónde podía haber sacado la revista Newsweek los elementos de información como para vaticinar para este año algo tan descabellado como el derrocamiento del presidente Hugo Chávez por un golpe militar.

Pero la arremetida contra Caracas abroad is not just media, however important it is this component of the U.S. anti-Venezuelan strategy. Is multifaceted and includes plans for intelligence, subversion and military aggression involving the State Department, the Southern Command of the armed forces of that country, not to mention the "intelligence community" under the command of Admiral Dennis Blair, Colombian oligarchy and the government more or less openly by governments and right-wing political forces inside and outside of Latin America and, of course, the internal counterrevolution. From all this there is ample evidence.

The internal counter is very necessary para dar la imagen de una sociedad insubordinada y un país ingobernable y realizar labores de espionaje y subversión para los servicios especiales estadunidenses y aliados pero su desgaste y desprestigio forzó a Washington a buscar reclutas entre estudiantes de clase media que han sido entrenados en las técnicas de las revoluciones de colores con fondos de la Agencia de Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID por sus siglas en inglés) y de la National Endowment for Democracy, ambas fachadas de la CIA. Pero ya este grupo también ha perdido la fuerza inicial y la multitudinaria marcha de los jóvenes bolivarianos de hace unos días en Caracas desactivó las acciones criminales que había iniciado y no dejó dudas del apoyo the government in this sector.

much for the revolution to counter the most important battle of this year's legislative election of September 26 . But within the counter, except for the hatred that Chavez is divided, there is fierce litigation applications and, especially, has no confidence that it can prevent the Bolivarian rise to two thirds of the seats in the Assembly required to maintain the revolutionary path. The electoral dominance of Chavez's what invariably ends up tilting the direction coup and despair. This explains the attempts to blame Chavez problems with water supply and electricity due to one of the most severe drought since records were kept, that the government is facing with great energy and Ali Rodriguez has placed one of his best pictures, to give solution.

But to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat Venezuela is prepared to remember anything more eloquent than the National Intelligence Estimate presented to Congress in Washington by Admiral Blair: "In Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua populist leaders have come together to ... rejected the U.S. influence ... in the region. The President of Venezuela ... has established itself as one of the main detractors at international level against the U.S. ... " If this is what they say publicly ...


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