Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Turquoise Jelly Bracelet Meaning


Just a thought. Not by way of evolution, if not that, to the extent that the subjective and material conditions change, they change the tactics and strategies of leftist groups, specifically, American. I say not how evolution made that trials can not be made to the extent that we talk about unfinished historical process. That's why you must meet the following observation: what does it mean to succeed in democracies leftist traditions guerrilla. Only two current evidence, Mauricio Funes of the National Liberation Front Farabundo Martí in El Salvador and (soon to be) Jose "Pepe" Mujica, former tupamaru in Uruguay. Realities that are broken in our country, with almost total dismantling of the guerrillas of the Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front (FPMR), the Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR) or MAPU Lautaro.

In short, rather than seeking what conditions did perish the real political work of these three groups distinguished by the guerrillas in Chile, the question is what should shake up current conditions would advance the historical process in the country, or, what is the rifle that we do operate and under what conscience.


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