Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sims 3 Helmi Hosni Morcucorp

"I'm black, petite and unglamorous,
as it pertains to me my country's oligarchy.
But this is a country black
where all are fair. "
-Mercedes Sosa

Today we begin greeting the people who know how to dance and sing and sing sambas, chacareras and tunes. Begin in honor of the great voices screaming and shouting to strengthen the struggle of oppressed peoples.

transmissions begin today by saying hello to those who sing with the hope of a better life, installing the first signs of a massive cultural attitude differently, without disdain or neglect, you want people's consciousness, discovering the land and appreciating the culture of a so broad and deep. Those who seek and promote the participation of popular folk music and popular native music in the other arts, a creative yearnings, which contains the people, their historical circumstances, its landscape, its reality without compromise or distortion.

not the same as living, honor life.

was beginning the military dictatorship in Argentina, Mercedes Sosa insisted on singing. In 1979, amid a concert in La Plata, also stop arresting most of its audience. But the petite black, age 28, had signed the Manifesto New Artist (1964). It was proposed to renew the popular song to get Argentina "is integrated into the life of the whole people, expressing their dreams, their joys, their struggles and their hopes." Banned, censored, imprisoned, exiled, black and singer, continued to insist to 74 years. In his honor

not tell the voice of Latin America because he did not like, but as quite possibly know what was and will remain so.

And not just for her, but today we salute those who seek to rescue popular music content for the purpose of singing an entire people and oversee the revival of cultural criticism, political, social and ours, and since there point to the awareness and actual knowledge of a territory, a vast continent. For those seeking value, further, create and develop folk arts through communication, dialogue and exchange with all the artists and similar movements the rest of America.

salute to those who reject and denounce, through a clear, all crude production and subjected to expensive commercial purposes try both the intelligence and free expression of people. Those who support and encourage critical thinking to organizations, activities and cultural events dedicated to the dissemination of new and our forms of expression to that culture ceases to be a mere distraction and is channeled into a serious and respectful understanding of our past and our present.

Mercedes Sosa was born in San Miguel de Tucuman and always kept its commitment with political and social causes, not just part of Argentine folk movement of the New Song, but actively participating in demonstrations for indigenous communities, trade union struggles and human rights.

After the military coup in his country remained despite the repression. His records were banned and three years later was arrested in the middle of a concert in La Plata. When released into exile in Spain and France and not return to his country until 1982. In this connection one day said: "Before, the dreams were more radical; perfect. Now, what can be done."

Perhaps too much to say that we we'll take care of the new cries of the earth, but perhaps should. Today we sing with her new zambas, chacareras, milongas, or tunes, popularize Latin American folklore throughout the world and insist on radical dreams and perfect for all peoples.

Mercedes Sosa died today with a broken body. In pharmacological coma and connected, since last Wednesday, a ventilator, his heart stopped responding. The official statement released by his family invited to join the vigil in the Hall of Lost Steps of the Argentine Congress. The able and willing, join. From here all the honey, rjon, sugar guitars and songs in their honor.

"The more forms of expression have an art, the richer
the sensitivity of people to whom it may concern" Manifesto
New Artist (1964)

this transmission and waving goodbye to those struggling to make the song an inalienable cultural value and insist on art as a transformative search of historical integration of peoples and manifesting your dreams, joys and struggles.


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