Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Herpes On Lower Abdomen

Chile: A corrupt relationship between the CIA and the Democrats

Suggesting the Christian Democratic Party (PDC) of Chile adopted two agreements against Venezuela and Cuba days before George Bush junior, the adoption of a draft "Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba in absolute violation of international law earmarked 80 million dollars to the anti Cuban subversion. According to the paper entitled "The Second", argued the PDC that "The Chavez administration does not give guarantees" , although the spokesman did not say whether his party asked guarantee or Chile.

On occasion, the PDC said Foreign Minister Alejandro Foxley support-member of that community, who, they said, look for a "third alternative" and discard both Venezuela and Guatemala. These clear political maneuvers are observed advertising as an attempt to influence President Michelle Bachelet constitutional provision that handles external relations. A Christian Democratic positions joined other government entity, the Party for Democracy (PPD) decried in the field of gossip as the court of miracles. Invented by former President Ricardo Lagos to ensure his candidacy, is a group that has no beginning and no one takes it seriously.

Chilean In political circles it is believed that PDC was secretly informed about the new U.S. onslaught against Havana-Caracas and acted to "make merit" in order to access a succulent slice they are old ties with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) which has received financial assistance from the sixties of last century. The PDC, specifically raised on 30 June, his opposition to support Chile to Venezuela as a member of the Security Council of the UN, and on July 11 Senate acceded to a declaration against Cuba by extreme right-wing communities.

"Supporting Chavez deny our entire foreign policy of 15 years," said Gutenberg Martinez, president of the Christian Democratic Organization of America (CADO) in an interview with the conservative daily El Mercurio (Santiago de Chile) who adds spice to the succulent climbing related dollars Rice-Bush plan. However, the statement of the head of CADO talking about something real for all post-Pinochet governments have been extremely American pros.

The Chilean PDC is not a carbon copy of their counterparts Europeans encountered during and after World War II (SGD). Its origin is in the Conservative Party founded in the mid nineteenth century and a century faithfully represented right ultramontane. The community's ideological stagnation triggered landslides, the most important Conservative Youth starring that became a separate political entity with the name of the National Falange.

In 1957, he merged the remainder of the Conservative Party and the Falange to found the Christian Democratic Party is proclaimed as "a national and popular movement." Seven years does the president Eduardo Frei, who is leader of the PDC suddenly backed by the traditional right, which withdrew its own candidate, to "danger" that proves triumphant Salvador Allende.

was the coup that overthrew President Allende on September 11, 1973 and subsequent U.S. Senate investigation documented what it possible to learn something that was an open secret: CIA meddling in Chilean politics, via bribery especially exercised with the PDC. Here minimal records of the monies received by the PDC to the wording of the famous Church Report: "In 1960, the Panel (U.S.) authorized several hundred thousand dollars to strengthen (sic) to the PDC in advance of the presidential elections of 1964. " Another paragraph: In 1964, "the CIA spent more than two million 600 thousand dollars to support the election of Democrat candidate. More than half of the candidate's campaign (Frei) was funded by the U.S., although that did not receive information on support [1].

Other details:

1962: $ 230 000 to energize (sic) to PDC;

Three million dollars for the election of Frei;

1965 :
$ 175,000 to support parliamentary candidates;

$ 350,000 to support candidates chosen (sic) for March 1969 elections;

$ 177,000 for the daily press of the PDC [2].

Between 1970 and 1973 is an "investment" of three million $ 475 000 for opponents who are not individualized, but it must be assumed that much went into the coffers of PDC whose position was critical to the military coup. On 22 agosto/73, promoted PDC in the House of Representatives and in alliance with the far right, a statement that almost pointed to the illegality of government, when he said that recorded "grave breach of the constitutional and legal order of the Republic" . On September 11, the first side of the coup said: "Bearing in mind: that the Allende government has committed serious illegitimacy", etc. Barely a month after the uprising, Eduardo Frei, now president of the Senate because it had been shut down Parliament, expressed in the "ABC" (Madrid): "The military saved Chile and all of us" . Remarkable!

PDC aversion towards Cuba and now also about Venezuela, has an ideological factor and thus publicly visible, but also has a hidden factor and immoral as external funding, clearer, apparatus of espionage and subversion of states together. In 1995, the Christian Democrat International (IDC) established a Committee on Cuba "(CSC) based on the above-mentioned leaders of CADO. Interestingly, the CSC was first met in Madrid ... and the appointment came a certain Richard Nuccio, then a direct adviser to President Bill Clinton.

Draw your conclusions!

1. ® Valencia, Carlos (Recopilador) La CIA: 10 años contra Chile (Documentos de la CIA y Consejo De Seguridad) Bogotá, 1975.

2. ® Ver: Uribe, Hernán La Democracia Cristiana Digitada por Washington, Punto Final, marzo 1996.

Publicado en:
Gloobalhoy nº8

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Uncensored Brazilian Wax For Men

30 YEARS of the Sandinista Revolution: Chronicle of a process PARINACOTA

“Tiene unas horas de edad la Nicaragua recién nacida en los escombros, verdor nuevito entre las ruinas del saqueo y de la guerra; y la cantora luz del primer día de la Creación alegra el aire que huele a quemado”.

Eduardo Galeano – “Memoria del Fuego III”

Las enseñanzas sobre el pueblo de Nicaragua en aulas y televisores en Chile son más bien remotas. Nicaragua es el territorio políticamente delimitado más grande de Centroamérica, pero a la vez, el menos habitado. Limita a los lados con distintos oleajes, arriba y abajo con pueblos hermanos, hijos de una misma historia. No se sabe bien el origen de la palabra “Nicaragua” (se habla que provendría del náhuatl, cuyo significado apelaría a la vital relación que mantenían niracaos y chorotegas con los lagos de agua dulce más grandes de Centroamérica), lo que sí sabemos is that 30 years ago, Nicaragua charge for Somoza and Sandino sense, the first dynasty, the second as a people.

Augusto César Sandino, who was called "General of Free Men" , was assassinated in 1903 and Springfield rifles, Thompson submachine guns, both American models instructs the head fired by director of the Nicaraguan National Guard, Anastasio Somoza Garcia. Murder was planned for after a meeting he held with Juan Bautista Sacasa Sandino, Nicaragua's former president, whose rise to power would have frightened the direct U.S. intervention, but would be overthrown by the same murderer of Sandino and Somoza's trusted Washington. His son Louis would be heir to the throne, and then his brother, namesake of his father, Anastasio Somoza Debayle. Santos Lopez, Carlos Fonseca Amador, Tomás Borge and the other would be responsible for resurrecting Sandino from the jungle, for it was not enough to pray and would hand Sandinista justice charge against the estate of the Somoza. triumph a July 19, 1979 Sandinista revolution. Family fights left behind, now had to defend what has been done to death, because it was made Nicaragua, Nicaragüita for Nicaraguans.

to implement reforms were achieved today in days are celebrated: the crusade for literacy and land reform. But the counter-revolutionary forces in the country have installed the siege would continue with more resources and arms. Peace was signed he would call elections and not fraudulent, but real. The Sandinistas would win the first two but the third had to give the executive. Tomas Borge, one of the historic FSLN excuses: "At some point we thought we were more infallible than the Pope, who had reason and experience showed that it was not. I regret some of my sins, he who does not repent of their errors is not revolutionary. " Of course, Christianity Borge radiate more than the Pope.

Some would, or would stay there again. It was time to redesign and rethink the process, which would take more than 15 years. However, we all watched the arrival of Daniel Ortega to the presidency in 2006 on behalf of the Sandinista National Liberation Front. At 30 years, revolutions succeed, grow, fall, twist, reflect, some flee, others are pushing, and there are again up, looking back, at least for a day in the middle of July: "The Front not born of a meeting or a conference or issued a proclamation announcing its creation. Neither presented a program. The first was the action face and based on his early experience was shaped and reshaped, it has always been very self-critical sense, program, strategy and tactics. The FSLN is a genuine product of the popular history of Nicaragua " ( Carlos Fonseca Amador )

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Reggie Bush Overrated Dec 2009


TV Parinacota is a space for television production and communicative appropriation raised by residents of Quilicura. Defined by its operators as a meeting place , involving all social organizations Parinacota Population and community.
The schedule is designed to promote the organization, participation, culture, education, solidarity and healthy entertainment. Parinacota line TV theme is structured within the social standards and population, with a strong collective creation and an integrated view of the different actors that operate in the population and in the community, items that are placed at the service of identity development of our people.
Technically it is a sign of 50W of power with a range of 7 km and average this Friday July 17 Parinacota TV Peña made a big to manage to have the transmitter itself before September.