After the meeting on 11 and the company's proposal to postpone the negotiations.
As you all know CC.OO. has on a complaint by the proportionality that has been used to elect members to the negotiating table the agreement, which are the same as the works council. This representation is illegitimate, so we have denounced and not for other reasons as some would have you believe.
But in a meeting on day 11, which was to begin negotiating, the company comes with a proposal that is not convention. Proposes to suspend the negotiations and that no date for trial on 26 this month and claims that as CCOO said that the panel is not legitimate, do not know who has to negotiate and if they remember something not know if would be valid. Why so scared?
CC.OO. answer alleging that it knows with whom he has to negotiate, you can proceed with the negotiation and any agreement (be the first time that the first meeting ends with agreement) could then be ratified by the appropriate table.
This we sabían desde la reunión del día 27 de abril, donde CC.OO. ya manifestó estar en contra de esa constitución, pero decidieron seguir adelante con la mayoría de UGT y USOC, y ahora la empresa pone pegas a seguir. ¿por qué la empresa cambia de postura de una reunión a otra?
Lo que mas nos sorprende de todo esto es la firme defensa que la empresa hace del tema, cuando a ella realmente le tendría que dar igual quien constituyese la mesa, ¿o no?.
En principio la empresa propone que se vote si seguir o no con la negociación and, although no doubt voted, and among all unions except the USOC, decide to follow. In these circumstances the company values \u200b\u200bbetter to postpone everything until you see the sentence.
Conclusion: Why the company wants to delay the process of the collective agreement CCOO blaming it? Do they want to withdraw the complaint? Or is that the company knows that the current representation would be easier to get the Convention and instead want to create fair representation CCOO and legitimizes the negotiation would be more complicated for her (no union would have majority)?
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