Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Why Is My Dvd Grainy In My Blu Ray Player


We inform you that on 27th April constitute the Negotiation Table III Collective Agreement Unipost SA from the CCOO union section do not understand why it has delayed both the formation of this table.

inform you that on March 22 Section of the CCOO union asked the company, after the silence of other trade unions, meeting to form the agreement table immediately. Following the response from the company on April 1, CCOO SIMA has filed with the conflict against the company for its refusal to provide the negotiating table of the third agreement immediately.

Our suspicion is that some union hopes to improve its representation on the Intercentros before the forthcoming elections in several workplaces in Catalonia, Galicia and Murcia. If the table had been constituted on the date which should have formed our union CCOO have increased their majority union representation and would have lowered theirs. May well expect to maintain a majority that only benefits them or the company. This is why "hidden" we all know.

not think it is a good policy to have added some points in the recent collective bargaining agreement Reduction Day ERE signed by the UGT and USOC and not by us. We understand that in this way is almost condemning himself to negotiating the collective agreement does not provide much more progress to improve the economic and social conditions of workers in Unipost.

CCOO and the intention is that such negotiations if we are to progress in social rights. Our proposals for this agreement will in this regard and it is our primary goal. differences have arisen with other unions in the wake of the negotiation of ERE and because others have signed an agreement that we consider bad for workers, poor and minimal set apart from that once all the works council established. Still want to tell you that for our part we hope to form a united front with all the unions with the aim of achieving an agreement to move forward and substantially improve our working conditions and our social rights.

For this reason has decided not to respond to recent press UGT and CGT criticizing our position with the recent signing of ERE. Our position is very well explained and if we have not been signed by standing firm in defense of the minimum marked the whole works council unanimously, we have not lifted, was let down those who signed. We just want to say that we are glad to see that for other unions are so important and annoying them so much that we, as Cervantes said, "Sancho bark, then ride."


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